Tourism & Law brings to the market the solution to incorrect collection of ADM's


Tourism & Law brings to the market the solution to incorrect collection of ADM's

TOURISM & LAW, a law firm belonging to the InterMundial Group, has been specializing in the tourism sector for more than 10 years, advising, managing and working on a daily basis for tour operators and adapting new regulations to their daily activities. Prevention is its motto, and collaboration and assistance to the sector's agencies is its priority.As a result of the knowledge of the sector and the existing differences between the different tour operators, the concern of travel agencies for the collection of ADM's has increased in recent times, becoming the sale of airline tickets, one of the least profitable products for agents.An ADM is a notice sent, usually by an airline to a travel agent, which requires the recipient to pay a sum of money to the sender. On the contrary, there are also ACM's, which are agency credit notes, when an agency determines that an airline owes money to an agent and therefore, the agent issues an ACM indicating the details of the amount owed and its origin.That is why, with the aim of not constituting another "headache" for the agencies, taking into account the latest legislative changes, Tourism & Law has created an INNOVATIVE SERVICE that offers solutions against the arbitrariness in the collection of ADM's.As is well known in the sector, the authorized charges for a reservation that does not conform to the rules, constitute economic losses that are difficult to recover and, on certain occasions, given the lack of technical knowledge on the part of the agents and the time they are forced to dedicate to these issues, they become "fixed costs" for the this sense, the causes for the issuance of an ADM, although they are innumerable, the most common are the following:

  • Reservations that after cancellation due to expiration of the reservation period, are rebooked for the same passengers;
  • Currently, the well-known obligation to state both surnames of the customer on the bills, and as a consequence of their ratification, a charge is issued;
  • Human errors committed by agents.

The well-known IATA Agents' Manual is another reason why agencies are forced to comply and without the right to a possible review of the rule. On numerous occasions sanctions are imposed for non-compliance with the Resolutions, however, they are disproportionate, they do not take into account the time during which the determined rule has been breached, the repetition, the amounts for delay, etc. Therefore, the firm has designed a COMPREHENSIVE SERVICE offering defense, both in the phase of Dispute before the International Transport Association (IATA), and the subsequent phase of claim before the competent jurisdictional bodies.The innovative ADM's SERVICE offered by our firm, is the opportunity for travel agencies to cover their difficulties to assume the costs generated by the rectifications in the rates applied by IATA and, as a consequence, to acquire a greater control of their company's costs in the face of such uncertainties.The new ADM's SERVICE has been configured to provide security to travel agencies that receive ADM's notifications, through the application of technical knowledge, by Tourism & Law's lawyers, offering a comprehensive service based on the control of deadlines in the procedures, as well as in the management of the same. In addition, the most outstanding advantages of the SERVICE offered are:

  • Eliminate fraud in the collection of ADM's.
  • Provide economic flexibility in the day-to-day running of the agency.
  • Provide security for agency transactions with airlines.
  • Eliminate situations of dominant position in the market.
  • Reduce operating costs.

Tourism & Law Abogados is at the disposal of all those travel agencies that wish to receive information about ADM's SERVICE, and can contact us through our web site or write an email to .

Rosario Saldarriaga (Lawyer T&L)