T&L at the CSR Awards


T&L at the CSR Awards

The awards were presented by Manuel López, CEO of Grupo InterMundial and trustee of Fundación InterMundial Seguros, and by Javier del Nogal, general director of Tourism & Law, during a gala dinner at the Automobile and Fashion Museum, as part of the Congress of Spanish Hoteliers organized by CEHAT in Málaga.The award winners, according to Manuel López, "have shown that they are capable of integrating CSR into their business policies, presenting proposals with high added value that allow them to return part of their profits to society. Being socially responsible is a fundamental part of the path towards authentic sustainable tourism".The jury for this fourth edition was formed, in addition to Manuel López and Javier del Nogal, by Joan Molas, Ramón Estalella and Valentín Ugalde, president, secretary general and manager of CEHAT, respectively; Antonio Nieto, deputy director of the Secretary of State for Tourism; Carlos Garrido, president of the Union of Travel Agencies(UNAV); Jose Antonio Alba, territorial director of Andalusia in Unicaja, and various representatives of the media. The next edition of the award will be held in 2020.You can read the full article here.