If Covid-19 forces you to enter bankruptcy proceedings, are you already past due?


If Covid-19 forces you to enter bankruptcy proceedings, are you already past due?

None of that! You must know that there is the possibility of surviving the insolvency proceedings, but to do so you must know when to accept it and know how and with which creditors you have to negotiate so that, if there is an agreement with an agreement with a waiver and wait, your company can return to normality and full activity in the near future.

It is not an easy situation but if you want to, with effort you can reverse the situation. Together, we can also overcome the adverse economic effects of Coronavirus!

From TOURISM & LAW we are advising and offering our help to the companies of the sector in the negotiation and management of all the elements of the voluntary arrangement with creditors that can make the tourist company rise from its ashes after the crisis of the Covid-19.

If you're in a contest, don't give up everything!