ADM'S Claim Service


ADM'S Claim Service

The innovative ADM's SERVICE offered by TOURISM & LAW is the opportunity for travel agencies to professionally manage this problem, and avoid the costs generated by incorrectly charged ADM's, through the application of the technical knowledge of TOURISM & LAW's lawyers.

What is an Agency Debit Memo or ADM's?

It is a request for rectification of the rates applied by the travel agency when contracting airline tickets.
The rates that the travel agency must apply when contracting an airline ticket are those set by the airline in compliance with IATA regulations.
This rectification is based on the fact that, allegedly, the rate applied by the agency was not the correct one and the airline considers it necessary to make adjustments regarding the issuance of airline tickets.
In this claim, the airline will state the reasons why it should charge the travel agency and the financial amount owed by the travel agency to the airline.
Its purpose is for the travel agency to rectify the fare at which it issued the tickets, thus returning the amounts owed to the airline.
This rectification is requested on a monthly basis.

Who issues the Debit Memo?

It is requested by the airline through IATA (from its BSP Link system). Therefore, it is IATA who notifies the travel agency of the amount to be paid to the airline.

What does the travel agency have to do when it receives a Debit Memo?

- The agency must verify that the fares applied on each of the
tickets issued are correct, in line with IATA regulations and the
fares agreed between the agency and the airline.
- In case of disagreement with the requested rectification, the agency must
communicate it to IATA, arguing its position in line with IATA regulations
- In some cases, the agency must return to the airline the amounts
corresponding to the rectification of the applied fares.

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