Problems of tourist housing


Problems of tourist housing

Regulatory uniformity and involvement of platforms specialized in collaborative accommodation. These are some of the measures that, in the opinion of the speakers at the Congress of Spanish Hoteliers, could be more effective in minimizing the impact of collaborative accommodation.

The impact of private housing on Spanish tourism was the star topic of the conference held as part of the Congress of Spanish Hoteliers, organized by the Spanish Confederation of Hotels and Tourist Accommodation (CEHAT) and the Association of Hotel Businessmen of the Costa del Sol (AEHCOS). All the participants, without exception, referred to the serious damage caused by the so-called collaborative economy, which has grown at a dizzying pace thanks, to a large extent, to the loopholes in Spanish legislation.

The director of Tourism & Law, Javier del Nogal, affirms that "we are at a point where most of the actors agree that something has to be done to address the problem of tourist housing". "It is a cross-cutting problem, but the current regulation is very scattered and different depending on the area of Spain," he laments. For this reason, like the Andalusian counselor, he stresses the importance of "achieving regulatory harmonization".You can read the full article here.