Precontractual information


Precontractual information

The pre-contractual information, what counts to the customer, is that which the organizer and, where appropriate, the retailer, prior to the conclusion of a package travel contract, must provide to the traveler.The information relating to the characteristics of the trip, the price, the methods of payment, the minimum number of participants for the conclusion of a trip and the possibilities of termination of the contract, is binding, shall not be modified, unless the parties expressly agree otherwise and, in any case, the changes that occur must be communicated to the traveler in a clear, understandable and prominent way prior to the conclusion of the package travel contract.

Remember, the delivery of the pre-contractual information is the first step towards a correct execution of the package tour.

At TOURISM & LAW we are at your disposal to help you adapt your pre-contractual documentation to current legislation in order to avoid discrepancies and non-compliance.