They traveled years ago, can they sue me today?


They traveled years ago, can they sue me today?

The statute of limitations exists because of the need to provide guarantees to legal relations, since it is not convenient for social peace that rights can be exercised after an indefinite period of time has elapsed. It is for this reason that the legislator understands that a diligent activity of the holder of the right is required at the time of its exercise since, otherwise, its abandonment can only be presumed.Thus, the limitation period for filing claims under the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users, especially in the fourth book on package tours and linked travel services, will be two years.This means that the traveler has a period of two years to make any type of complaint or claim about a particular trip, after which he/she is no longer entitled to make a claim, unless he/she has interrupted the computation of the you have any doubts about when the interruption of the period occurs? any action leaves in suspense, legally speaking, the passage of time? to get the answer to these important questions and not cause you a headache, in TOURISM AND LAW you will get answers with guarantees and certainty.