Are you informed of the Government and Autonomous Communities' support for the expansion of COVID-19?


Are you informed of the Government and Autonomous Communities' support for the expansion of COVID-19?

The economic impact of the spread of the coronavirus in Spain has been immediate and many companies and self-employed people have already been economically affected.

Now is the time to be up to date!

Currently, these are some of the grants you can apply for:

  • Extraordinary benefit for termination of activity (State and Autonomous Communities).
  • Moratorium on mortgage debt on primary residence.
  • Lines of financing.
  • Deferral of tax debts.
  • Reduction of working hours or suspension of contracts due to force majeure (ERTE).

The most important thing now is to be informed of these aids immediately and to have specialized advice, in order to comply with all the requirements established by the aids from the particular situation of each of the companies and/or self-employed.

Every company is different!

From TOURISM & LAW we are at your side to advise you on everything you may need in this exceptional situation, being our goal to facilitate this moment by offering our extensive experience in the sector.

No one understands your business like we do!