International Data Protection Day


International Data Protection Day

Today, January 28th, is the 35th anniversary of the signing of the first international treaty on the protection of personal data, and from Tourism & Law we want to take the opportunity to raise awareness among companies of the importance of compliance with their obligations, and inform them of their rights in terms of data protection and privacy.As is well known, the General Data Protection Regulation has come to give more power to users regarding their data, and to impose obligations and inform companies on how to treat and protect personal relation to users, they have the right to know what their data are being processed for, and of course, who has them in their possession, for what purpose, to whom they can give them, until when they will have them and who are the recipients. In addition, users have the right to modify their data, to object to a certain processing, to limit the processing of their data, to request the portability of their data and also to request the deletion of their data.the rights of users are closely linked to the obligations that must be acquired by the entities or organizations, since they will be the ones who must manage the requests and exercise of users' rights. However, this is not the end of the obligations of the entities or organizations, and in this sense we will indicate some of the measures that Tourism & Law recommends that companies implement:

  • Keep systems up to date and free of viruses and vulnerabilities.
  • Performing backups
  • Store data correctly and in some cases encrypted.
  • Raise employees' awareness of the correct use or treatment of corporate systems and personal data.
  • Use secure networks for communications with customers, using encryption when the information exchanged is particularly sensitive.
  • Conduct annual risk analysis.

For all these reasons and in commemoration of the anniversary of the signing of Convention 108, Tourism & Law not only wants to raise awareness, but also wants to offer our clients the security they need, which we can provide through our legal services.

Rosario Saldarriga (Lawyer T&L)