Cookie Policy not adapted, company sanctioned


Cookie Policy not adapted, company sanctioned

How does it affect your company?

At TOURISM & LAW we are aware of the needs of our clients and therefore we know that it is essential for companies in the sector to have a presence on the Internet, which can lead to the use of commercial and marketing techniques that are very aggressive and through which the behavior of users accessing the web pages is profiled. This can lead to the use of commercial and marketing techniques that are very aggressive and through which to profile behaviors of users accessing the web pages.The Spanish Data Protection Agency will take as criteria for granting consent, those established in the judgment of October 1, 2019 of the Court of Justice of the European Union in relation to the downloading of cookies on websites. Thus, it states that consent must be given in a clear, free, specific and informed manner.


From TOURISM & LAW we are at your disposal to advise you, with the aim of preventing situations that may cause your company costly and unnecessary procedures, and thus achieving that your company maintains a good reputation, respecting the current regulations.